28 mai 2008

l'étage abandonnée

It kind of reminds me of the first chapter of the Narnia Chronicles.I don't know whether this photo will even show up on this tiny blog. But I do like it! (Lola, encore.)

24 mai 2008

Lola et Miaou

Lola is a girl I've known depuis qu'elle était dans le ventre de sa mère, but sadly, until last week I'd not seen her since she was 5 years old. Now she's 7, and an amazing person. Not only has she started a t-shirt design business in her little town in Normandie (see below), she's also recruited two rotations of friends to help with her sales. It's going to be great fun watching her grow up!

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18 mai 2008

Le poulailler des moines trappistes

I was utterly charmed by these French hens roaming about between two sources of food: chicken feed inside the poulailler, and here, happily devouring the remainder of our (and the monks') dinner of the previous day.

Having just read Michael Pollen's Omnivore's Dilemma, I was very happy to find hens who, although not getting a chance to graze in a grassy field, are active recyclers and who fearlessly roam about a rather large enclosure.
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02 mai 2008

Notre immeuble à Narbonne

During our last trip, back in February, I took lots of photos of the great medieval buildings of Narbonne; now it's time for our own building. We're on the 1st floor (2nd floor American) of the one straight ahead on the right-- although our appartment is on the opposite side.

These residential streets of Narbonne are quite narrow, and most buildings have big sections carved out of their corners (like the one at left) -- I suppose so that cars and trucks can make the turn!

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01 mai 2008

Bombers de Barcelona

Walking through the Plaça Sant Jaume, I stumbled across a group of young men posing in front of the Ajuntament de Barcelona (City Hall).Lots of people were taking pictures, and although I had no idea who these guys were, I joined in. For a moment I thought that they might be Barça's football team (they'd tied Manchester United the night before).

But on closer scrutiny they didn't seem like athletes, and I didn't see Ronaldinho among them ... and in fact, none of them is black. Now I've just figured out that these men are the forty-four new firefighters of the City of Barcelona.

But what is this protestor about? He seems to be tolerated here, even blessed by the statue of councillor Joan Fiveller. (I'd love some help with the translation of his sign!)

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